EDI...or...DIE..! Electronic data interchange (EDI), as the name implies, is a method of electronic information exchange between two business entities. It involves the usage of computer networks and related software to transmit information related to businesses. (more…)
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SQL Mapping – A General Note

Sterling Integrator Tips
Purpose This paper will discuss SQL (ODBC) maps and outline general information necessary to complete a SQL map.  The paper will also cover the flow of the translator for outbound SQL (ODBC) Maps and how to use the components available with the SQL File Format to design a map to process the result set returned via the SQL statement defined in the map. (more…)
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Some Extended Rule Tips

Sterling Integrator Tips
Uppercase and Lowercase in mapping #stringField = new("java.lang.String",#stringField).toUpperCase(); #stringField = new("java.lang.String",#stringField).toLowerCase(); Date Difference in map extended rule object date1; object date2; date1=new("java.util.GregorianCalendar"); date2=new("java.util.GregorianCalendar"); date1.set(2008,08,01); date2.set(2008,09,31); #Number_of_days = (date2.getTimeInMillis() - date1.getTimeInMillis()) / 86400000; Using Replace Function object obj; if len(#0166:19) > 0 then begin obj = new ("java.lang.String",#0166:19); #0166:19 = obj.replace("*",""); end X-path interaction String[20] BPID; SELECT XPATHRESULT INTO BPID FROM PROCESSDATA WHERE XPATH="/ProcessData/SIFramework/SFG/WorkflowId/text()"; Customised java class calling from ER Object xref; xref = new("com.CVAM.utility.CVAMUserExits"); xref.method(parameter1,parameter2); Click below to find out more what Appleyard’s EDI Services can do for you
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Generating a DDF Layout from IDoc

Sterling Integrator Tips
Purpose This document will discuss how Gentran Integration Suite uses the SAP Meta Data Builder to generate a Data Definition File (DDF) from an IDoc layout.  This functionality saves time by generating the IDoc layout in a format that can be imported into the Map Editor so users do not have to create the IDoc layout by hand. (more…)
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